When a loved one becomes too elderly or infirm to care for him- or herself, New York families may be faced with the problem of finding a suitable long term care provider. Whether you need to find a nursing home for yourself later in life or for a loved one, you might be able to benefit from an attorney’s assistance.
At Weinstein & Randisi, we want to make sure that you make the right decisions when selecting a nursing home that is perfect for you and your family’s needs. For example, there are some very specific questions that everyone should ask before choosing a nursing home. We will help you identify those questions and help you answer them so that you stay organized during the often-overwhelming long-term planning process.
The first question we encourage our clients to ask is whether a nursing home is the only choice that is available to them. In some cases, in-home care or using free services offered by their local community is a better choice. In fact, what many people do not realize is that sometimes, an in-home care provider is a far more affordable option than a nursing home. For obvious reasons, using an in-home care assistant is also a way for an individual to maintain his or her normal way of living as closely as possible.
Another important question is where you would like the nursing home to be? Since a move is being made, some individuals might consider changing states or finding a nursing home in another city so that the nursing home resident is closer to family members.
Something else that a lot of people do not realize is the fact that veterans can often receive special cost-saving benefits to help with their long-term care. Veterans’ hospitals and other special facilities are available around the country to help people who have served in our nation’s armed forces in the past.
There are other questions that New York residents will want to ask and a qualified estate planning attorney may be able to help. At Weinstein & Randisi, we have experienced attorneys on staff who are familiar with local nursing homes and have access to information about nursing facilities around the country to help you as make important decisions regarding you or your loved one’s long-term care planning.