Estate planning in New York usually has a will involved. A trust may also figure into the planning of an estate. Your will can be long and detailed or simple and to the point. Depending on your needs, you may want to begin your estate planning with a capable attorney from the law offices of Weinstein & Randisi.
A will makes estate planning much simpler. It is a major part of what you need to set in place for your children or even a charity that you want to gift. Add to this a trust that can be created during your lifetime, or in the will that you and your attorney write.
Trusts come in many different sizes and styles and they can contain almost anything you can think of.
A will and a trust will help you get your thoughts together and will let your children know what your final wishes are. A medical power of attorney is actually a trust that lets people know what you want to see happen to you if you become incapacitated. Getting this in place will give you a great sense of peace.
Don’t let your estate planning take a backseat because you are simply too busy to think about it. Can you imagine how your children will feel when they see that you have acted proactively and taken the action necessary to get your estate in good working order?
We have the experience necessary to see you get a well written and understandable estate plan in place. We are able to listen to your ideas and help you craft just the right set of documents that will let your kids know that you thought about them ahead of time.