Forming a will is a good first step in any estate planning. However, your last will and testament should do more than simply inform a Surrogate’s Court as to how you wish your property and assets distributed following your death. Many people often overlook the significance of also naming an executor in their wills. Typically, an executor, or executors, are trusted individuals that you select to carry out the specifics of wrapping up your affairs according to your plans.
Advances in modern technology has made selecting an executor even more important today than in the past. We previously wrote about this phenomenon in one of our earlier blog posts. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, You-Tube and etc. have created unique problems that can affect your digital legacy. In many ways, how you plan to handle your online accounts can be just as important to your heirs as the physical property and assets you have also bequeathed to them.
Imagine a world-famous author who died leaving several of their unfinished manuscripts saved to an online cloud service provider. Or maybe a grandparent who left behind hundreds of priceless family photos stored on his or her laptop computer. You need an executor that is tech savvy in these types of situations. That’s because your formation of a will does not always guarantee that your estate will not undergo the probate process. In fact, a poorly-considered will may only provide a judge with vague instructions as to how you wish to distribute your digital legacy to your beneficiaries.
In addition to tying up your loose ends, an attorney who is also your will’s executor can help you confidently draft your will so that it can withstand scrutiny in the modern age. Your attorney will know which questions to ask you when forming your will that can potentially save your heirs time and money in the future.
For over 50 years, our law firm has provided legal representation for clients throughout upstate New York from our Rochester offices. Prospective clients should know that there is no obligation to visit with one of our attorneys and discuss their estate planning issues in a free consultation.