Do you need an attorney to prepare your will in New York? The answer depends on your ultimate goals. The digital environment offers a plethora of do-it-yourself websites and computer software programs that can indeed take the lawyer out of the equation. However, in the end, this approach may be costly — in more ways than one. Let’s start by looking at the true role an attorney plays in estate planning.
Preparing a will or an estate plan is much more than simply drafting documents and having the clients sign on the dotted line. The true role of the lawyer is providing you with authoritative information and giving you solid legal advice through each step. Attorneys have the education and the knowledge to interpret the laws for their clients. This ensures the legal documents included in your will are error-free and abide by the law.
Preparing the will is but a first step. The document must also pass muster in the eyes of the law. This includes any provisions your will may contain such as appointing an executor and planning your estate. The final document must also be signed by competent witnesses and comply with other New York legal requirements. Failure to do so can result in a denial of probate, leading to additional costs and personal frustration.
The answer to the question posed at the start of this post is: Yes, if you want an error-free and accurate will, you do need an attorney’s help. Sure, you can choose to do-it-yourself but be warned that it might not hold up in the eyes of the law. This will cost you more money in the long run, more time and more stress.
Continue to our website to see other ways in which a New York-based attorney can help bring your final wishes to fruition.