Where do seniors live while getting long-term care?

by | Dec 2, 2015 | Long-Term Care Planning |

One of the important things to think about when doing long-term care planning in New York is where you are going to live. This can have a big impact on the type of plan you put in place, how much money is needed and much more.

Though every case is different, the National Conference of State Legislatures has noted that a full 80 percent of those who are using long-term care get it while living in their own homes. They simply have care workers who come visit them every day, or in some cases, who also live in the home. For those who need around-the-clock care, workers can come in shifts.

Many seniors prefer to live in their own homes, as they feel more comfortable there. They may have lived there for decades and the thought of moving to an assisted living home, no matter how nice it is, just ends up being a bit too daunting.

Most of the other 20 percent, however, live in assisted living facilities.

One factor that plays into it is where the care will come from. For example, the NCSL also noted that two-thirds of those who get care at home get it from friends and family members. In cases like this, far less money will be required than if official care from a medical professional is needed.

Keep in mind that, even if advanced medical care isn’t needed, family members still may not be able to help out enough based on proximity to the home, daily work schedules and other such factors.

As you make your plans, be sure you consider all options and the legal steps that go along with them.

Source: NCSL, “Long-Term Care Frequently Asked Questions,” accessed Dec. 01, 2015