When you think about the risk of getting seriously hurt or ill, the reality is that it’s more common than you may think. Unfortunately, if you cannot speak out for yourself in those situations, people may make decisions that you don’t agree with about your care.
That might mean that you’re left on artificial life support for longer than you would have wanted or that your family doesn’t try a risky option to help you when you might have opted for it. These scenarios are exactly why you should have an advanced medical directive in place.
Understanding your advance medical directive
An advance medical directive communicates your end-of-life health care wishes. Your advance directive will be the guidance that others need when you cannot directly tell them your wishes.
For example, you may state that you would like to be a part of the organ donation program and would like that decision to be made if it’s likely that you will pass away. If you would not like to be resuscitated if you go into cardiac arrest or have other health issues, you can also include those wishes in your advance medical directive.
Other items to include in your advance medical directive may include what kinds of pain medications you’re comfortable with receiving or if you’re comfortable with life-sustaining treatments like feeding tubes or a ventilator.
Your medical care choices should be left up to you
While it can be hard to make these decisions without knowing what kind of medical circumstances you may find yourself in, it’s a good idea to do so anyway. If you don’t have an advance medical directive, decisions may be made that you don’t agree with. You may have no control over the decisions others make for you or be able to speak out if you’re uncomfortable.
Setting up your advance medical directive is quick
It doesn’t take long to set up your advance medical directive. Doing so will help protect you and make sure that your family isn’t responsible for making decisions that they may be uncomfortable making in an emergency or during your end-of-life care.